You NEVER Know

Making telephone outreach calls has always been a challenge for me,
mostly because I am always afraid that I am “bothering” someone when
they are busy. What seems to be a thoughtful gesture, considering the
other person, I have come to see that it has more to do with my fear of
being vulnerable or asking for help.

On my way to an OA retreat a few years ago, I had been rushing around
getting ready and forgot to pack something for lunch and the trip over there.
As I drove, the thoughts and cravings began as I watched signs go by with
names of restaurants and food places, and the urge to stop and partake
was strong. Just as I was about to take the next exit, I got a call from an
OA friend, and I told her of my plan… she offered some suggestions for
alternatives, and thankfully I stopped and got s grilled sandwich that fit my
food plan.

The other day, a similar thing happened as I was craving something I had
no business eating; I was on my way when I got a text from another OA
friend, and thankfully, I was able to regroup, come to my senses, return
home and have an abstinent snack of popcorn.

These are examples of how using the tool of the telephone can be a
blessing for you, the other person, or both. YOU NEVER KNOW when that
act of reaching out will make a difference in someone’s program or life. So,
next time a person comes to mind, take a minute and reach out… it just
might be what they need to stay on track, and it will also give YOU the
feeling of helping another!

Becoming a Grown-up

“Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” – Step Three: The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous

This is a grown-up honest decision and when I first came to OA I was anything but grown-up or honest. I had been making decisions for years only to break them, most of the time on a whim. It went on for longer than is comfortable to admit out loud – Years! – before I finally truthfully surrendered and turned my life over to my Higher Power.

When finally, I came to a place where I could no longer keep pretending, I got on my knees and handed every bit of my out-of-control life over to my God. I had learned so much in OA but, unless I could honestly and in my grown-up mind make this decision, I was cheating both God and me. Pretending was not cutting it any longer, and I wanted it all. All that OA promises, and all that God promises. With my sponsor, my friends in OA, a few trusted friends and, most of all my God, I finally took this step.

I wish I could say everything clicked and I faced no more challenges or setbacks, but that is not my story. I can say that for every challenge and setback, as well as every success and triumph, my God and my fellow OA friends are there with me laughing, crying, cheering with me.