Back in 2018 I came across a poster with tear-off strips at the bottom that simply said in big block letters “TAKE WHAT YOU NEED”. The strips along the bottom were things that were self-affirming or might bring comfort or hope to someone. Phrases such as “you are loved”, “you are beautiful, “you have everything you need”, and “it’s going to be fine.” It was this last one that took my breath away.
“It’s going to be fine” was just what I needed in that moment.
I was spinning emotionally about a family member who I was deeply concerned about. They were struggling and I desperately wanted to go ‘fix’ the situation. But it was a circumstance that this family member needed to deal with on their own and it would have been inappropriate for me, even detrimental to the family member, to get involved. All I could do was love this person and offer them support…and worry. My heart was twisting in my chest and I could feel the tension in my shoulders.
I am confident that my Higher Power drew my attention to this poster. I tore off the “It’s going to be fine” and kept it with me for days. I still have this blue tear-off strip of paper on my end table with my treasured recovery items.
It continues to offer me peace when I am not at peace.
Beyond the promise that it brings, I appreciate its nuance. This phrase does not promise a perfect outcome, nor an outcome of my choosing. “It’s going to be fine” is approachable. It is a release to some expected result. I have often thought as I have picked it up that if the situation, I am struggling with is not fine now…give it time…it will be…it’s going to be fine.